18:37:46 From Melissa Toledo : What’s your position on homeless camps in residential neighborhoods? 18:37:48 From Tim Davis : Kath-LAM-it. Its pronunciation is unusual—until you associate it with Will-LAM-it! :) :) 18:41:25 From Marsha Hanchrow : How does the City plan to deal with irked residents doing "outhouse tipping" of the Portapotties the city installed? Those make it possible for not just the homeless, but everyone who happens to need to use a toilet. 18:41:30 From Dave P : What steps do you support to deter the recent trend of vandalism (graffiti, broken windows) in our business districts? 18:42:10 From Kamal Belkhayat : I have a question please 18:44:50 From Melissa Toledo : Trash cans and more pickups would be nice. 18:46:32 From John Rose : With last month's announcement of the Vision Zero Task Force dissolution, would you discuss the decision to dissolve the program and how the city will work to eliminate traffic fatalities and injuries? 18:47:18 From Marsha Hanchrow : PPB has eliminated the Bike Theft Task Force, claiming they're underfunded. That seems like punishment of progressives. Is there a solution? Pouring more $$ into PPB is not the answer. 18:47:50 From Marsha Hanchrow : (Many, many cheers to Mike Schmidt.) 18:48:09 From Allen : Marsha: we have to limit people to one chance to ask a question 18:49:02 From Marsha Hanchrow : Fine, but it's out there. 18:49:11 From Paula : Why are developers allowed to keep building multi-storied buildings, when there are so many empty storefronts for lease & why can't the empty places be required to shelter houseless people? 18:50:11 From Allen : I alerted Debby: if no more questions, she may call on you 18:53:15 From Kamal Belkhayat : Thank you 18:53:21 From John Rose : there are questions above paula's 18:53:45 From Dave P : fyi - you skipped John Rose's question 18:54:21 From Allen : TThanx Dave. I see John Rose ? 18:56:00 From Marsha Hanchrow : EMPOWER the new committee. And yes, it's infrastructure. 18:56:27 From John Rose : Sounds wonderful, thank you! 18:57:25 From Marsha Hanchrow : Comm Hardesty - thank you for changing your mind about cameras! 18:58:44 From Marsha Hanchrow : Some country sets traffic ticket prices according to the scofflaw's income. That would be useful. 18:59:02 From Mark Linehan & Karen LaBonte : We read today about problems in Civic Life. Realizing you are new at your assignment, what’s your impression about those problems and what needs to be done? 19:00:48 From Susan Lindsay-Buckman : why do the Portland Police still not have cameras and what is your position on this? 19:03:14 From Sue Thomas : Define the role and deliverables of all tax funded organizations. Then educate then about how that works AND hold them accountable. 19:05:35 From A Lewin : I have a question. 19:07:14 From Julia Barron’s iPhone : I’d like to ask a question 19:11:49 From Nick Olson Buckman : What are your thoughts on the increased signage and diverters for the neighborhood greenways? Is PBOT looking to make this permanent? I love the improvements and would love to see more permanent traffic diversion/signage. 19:12:12 From Julia Barron’s iPhone : Can you please help us understand about neighborhoods contributing to the city when the city has not been able to keep our children, ourselves safe while at school property on 33 and Waverleigh. Where those aggressive campers moved half a block away or never left? This was never a complete job. We are overwhelmed, noCan you please let us know if there is a different avenue for reporting other then our year long safety concerns when there is drug dealing/use within a 1000 ft of a drug free school zone? We found hundreds of needles. If have managed camp then no neighborhood camps allowed? 19:13:33 From Julia Barron’s iPhone : I found how to unmute myself!! 19:13:45 From Simon Kipersztok : Com. Hardesty- what does it take to convert all houseless camps to self-governing? 19:15:41 From Julia Barron’s iPhone : That’s a disheartening response. There are drug free zones for a reason. 19:16:25 From Heather Flint Chatto : I have a question 19:16:37 From Kamal Belkhayat : This should not be an out-of-sight out-of-mind approach. Just because we don’t see houseless folks doesn’t mean the problem goes away. 19:16:54 From Sally Joughin : What do you think of building communities of little houses as compared to the city getting a large building and turning it into affordable apartments? 19:17:16 From John Rose : Nick had a question above Julie 19:17:54 From Kamal Belkhayat : Port-a-potty style showers would help folks tremendously 19:18:17 From Marsha Hanchrow : +1 to showers 19:20:34 From Ashley Gale (she/her) : I have really been struggling with how we have made it so easy for developers to build without an actual/true affordable housing option available to people. What can we do to truly make housing affordable for people in our community? with evictions looming, How can we advocate for those who may need to be looking for housing with that on their record. 19:20:55 From Tim Davis : THANK YOU, Commissioner, for prioritizing PEOPLE and the PLANET over CARS!! :) 19:21:19 From Marsha Hanchrow : Thank you Joann! Fund active transportation from general funds. 19:21:20 From Dave P : car free areas are a fantastic idea, kudos for taking up the mantle 19:22:29 From A Lewin : good to see you all! be well! 19:23:04 From Heather Flint Chatto : Been waiting to ask my question 19:24:17 From Marsha Hanchrow : Take Eastmoreland! 19:24:17 From Simon Kipersztok : Com. Hardesty - thanks for coming after a very busy and frustrating day. Learned a lot from your comments. 19:25:23 From Chris Eykamp (HAND) : The city also owns a bunch of parking garages that are underutilized 19:26:20 From Melissa Toledo : The City has 4 golf courses so we can do homeless stuff. Good ideas. 19:27:25 From Jo Ann Hardesty : derek.bradley@portlandoregon.gov 19:28:08 From Ashley Gale (she/her) : Thank you so much for your time, it was really great to hear from you tonight. Very much appreciated. 19:30:05 From Kamal Belkhayat : Thank you Jo Ann! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!! 19:30:20 From Dave P : Thanks very much for your time and outreach on a difficult day. Sincerest appreciation 19:30:24 From Heather Flint Chatto : THANK YOU JO ANN! 19:30:27 From Steve Fisher to Allen(Direct Message) : Thank you all! 19:30:44 From katjames : Can you Please post the link to the Neighborhood Summit on the 9th? 19:30:55 From Steve Fisher : Thank you all! 19:30:59 From Susan Lindsay-Buckman : thank you so much Commissioner!! 19:31:17 From Tim Davis : Thank you SO very much, Commissioner Hardesty!! :) 19:32:33 From Josie Booth : Thank you Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty!!! 19:32:35 From Debby Hochhalter,RNA Chair : thank you to everyone for your participation! 19:33:14 From katjames : THANK YOU JoAnn!!! 19:33:30 From Susan Pearce : Thank you 19:33:36 From Allen to Steve Fisher(Direct Message) : Thank you so much. 19:33:44 From annie popkin : Thank you