00:44:08 Allen Field: We are getting close to the end of time on this - another 5 mins 00:51:21 Brian Hochhalter: we can go to the 2020 minutes and check 00:52:31 Allen Field: The 2019 Board did request PBOT to do this pilot project 00:53:16 PBOT-Kathryn Doherty-Chapman, (She,her): There is a project webpage on this. 00:53:23 PBOT-Kathryn Doherty-Chapman, (She,her): Let me grab it 00:53:41 PBOT-Kathryn Doherty-Chapman, (She,her): https://www.portland.gov/transportation/division-parking-committee/division-street-parking-plan 00:54:05 PBOT-Kathryn Doherty-Chapman, (She,her): My email is Kathryn.doherty-chapman@portlandoregon.gov 00:54:57 PBOT-Kathryn Doherty-Chapman, (She,her): my phone number is 503-823-4761 00:55:49 Albert Kaufman: Great presentation, Kathryn. Thank you. 01:02:34 Nanci Champlin (She/her): Debby- we found one of RNA’s ballot boxes as SEUL. 🙂 01:17:14 Albert Kaufman: We are back 01:19:35 Brian Hochhalter: this is something we have been asking for for years 01:26:59 Ash Hester: Going to sign off now that we had a moment to chat about mediation. Thank you again for your collaborative efforts on this process and fun to participate in another NA meeting. Talk soon! 01:27:25 Allen Field: How many pages will it be? 01:28:37 Albert Kaufman: What's your email Matt? 01:28:46 Matt Tucker: tuckermattr@gmail.com 01:29:56 Albert Kaufman: yeah, the most recent newsletter could be added.... 01:31:49 Heather Flint Chatto: Matt, please reach out to coordinate on the newsletter - foragedesigner@gmail.com 01:33:28 Heather Flint Chatto: Here is the Land Acknowledgement page with other resources for action Matt. https://richmondpdx.org/landacknowledgementAlso, what is the Richmond Book you mentioned Matt? 01:34:35 Tina Kimmey: The new SE Uplift bylaws passed 24-1. 01:35:15 Nanci Champlin (She/her): The board chose to pass it all in one fell swoop. If that didn’t pass then we would have gone through it article by article. 01:36:05 Albert Kaufman: Thanks, Nanci. 01:36:55 Brian Hochhalter: Nanci, it may have looked different if you didn't keep the option to vote of specific articles in your back pocket and just when ahead from the outset. IMHO 01:36:58 Matt Tucker: Heather, my neighbor shared this book from the 70s about the history of Richmond: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jed8qf00jato3pf/RichmondNeighborhoodHistory.pdf?dl=0 01:37:52 Albert Kaufman: Thanks, Matt - wow! 01:38:39 Nanci Champlin (She/her): Brian- the vote process was recommended by the center for nonprofit law, the foremost nonprofit law firm in the PNW. It is best practice. 01:39:49 Nanci Champlin (She/her): And we walked through each and every update, not just in April but also in March, as well as them being sent via email, a board survey for feedback of draft changes. 01:40:36 Heather Flint Chatto: Learn more about RIP 2 Going to City Council Hearing on April 21st. https://www.portland.gov/bps/rip2/about-rip2 Sign Up to Testify Hear: https://www.portlandmaps.com/bps/residential-infill-2/#/map/ 01:42:15 Allen Field: Except I was not allowed to speak and give input at all on SEUL Bylaws amendments. There are still some clunky, confusing aspects in the Bylaws. Roberts Rules process is to vote on each provision in seriata 01:43:21 Nanci Champlin (She/her): The board overwhelming chose not to do that. 01:46:06 Nanci Champlin (She/her): Yes: I will pursue getting more funds to support unfunded proposals. 01:46:42 Tina Kimmey: That’s amazing! Great work! 01:46:44 Heather Flint Chatto: Thanks Nanci, do you have a sense of timing for when we might know more? 01:46:55 Allen Field: It would have been nice to be heard on that and the specific problems I wanted to point out to the Board. The Board didn't vote either way whether to vote in one package or go one by one and vote 01:47:00 Nanci Champlin (She/her): Not yet. 01:47:53 Allen Field: Nanci: Let's talk more about the fundraising button you mentioned we can add to our website and maybe you can present it to our Board 01:48:08 Nanci Champlin (She/her): Now? 01:49:49 KAMAL BELKHAYAT: i have to leave.. good night everyone! 01:50:03 Allen Field: Up to our Chair. Maybe best we put it on the agenda 01:50:11 Nanci Champlin (She/her): https://www.givelively.org 01:50:23 Allen Field: Thanx for the link