Hawthorne & Division
Litter/Graffiti CleanUp Day
June 16, 2018, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Central Christian Church, 1844 SE Cesar Chavez Blvd
Join us at the 1st Annual Richmond Graffiti & Litter CleanUp
Help rid our neighborhood of litter and graffiti
- Litter & Graffiti cleanup will be on SE Hawthorne & Division in the Richmond neighborhood: between SE 29th and 50th/52nd Aves. and at SE Clinton & 26th
We will clean up litter, sharps, and bioswales, and paint over/clean off graffiti on utility poles – but we need your help
- All supplies will be provided; free graffiti kit available while supplies last.
- Breakfast snacks by New Seasons; lunch provided by Pepinos and Aprisa. Free raffle at end of event
- Sign up at https://www.solveoregon.org/paint-the-town-green (click “Richmond" event)
- Volunteers needed to help w/ registration, putting out tables/chairs, to be Team Leaders. Contact allen_field@yahoo.com
- Hawthorne, Division and Clinton businesses:
- Can you donate a prize for the lunchtime raffle?
- Can you make restrooms available for CleanUp volunteers? (they will be wearing orange or yellow vests)
- Please let me know: allen_field@yahoo.com
This event is sponsored by:
Richmond, Sunnyside and Hosford-Abernethy (HAND) neighborhood associations, KINK radio's "Paint theTown Green" event, Metro, City of Portland Graffiti Abatement (ONI), SE Uplift, Division-Clinton Business Association, Hawthorne Blvd Business Association, BPS's Keep It Pretty Rose City program, Graffiti Removal Services, New Seasons Market, Pepinos Mexican Grill, Aprisa Mexican Cuisine